A collection of (graphics) programming reference documents
The Graphics CODEx is a collection of documents that have been written in order to help remind myself of different programming and especially, graphics programming concepts.
As the field of graphics programming becomes more and more complex every day, I often find myself doing deep dives on various subjects. However, I also find that if I don’t actively practice those concepts, I tend to forget a lot of what I have read. This means that I constantly have to find that one article again that explained it really well, to come to the conclusion that it no longer exists!
Instead of constantly trying to find these again, I have started to write this information down in ways that I understand it and publish these to this site, so that I always know where to find the information again.
Please note that this website is NOT intended as a source of truth. Instead, you can see this as a collection of documents of how I understand these concepts. As a result, there will most likely be some things that aren’t 100% correct or could have been explained better.
Last modified on Tuesday 01 February 2022 at 17:51:48